Like so many colorways before it, the nike shox cypher white women black children “Brazil” has been given an official nickname different from the blue christened one at the last minute before their retail release. According to Nike the pair has a night vision theme, although it’s certainly strange to see that as the background given that Jordan Brand had a very dedicated set of shoes for that them back in 2013. Not to mention the KD 6 “Brazil” would fit in nicely with the story told by the Air Jordan 6 “Brazil”. nike shox cypher white women black children Rock City Kicks nike running bright blue and green light on eBay.
Source: Rock City Kicks
nike shox cypher white women black children “Night Vision”
Color: nike lebron x area 72 for sale in texas state fair
Style Code: 599424-093
Release Date: 05/23/14
Price: $130