WANN WIRD DER NIKE AIR jordan Photos 1 GAME ROYAL ERHÄLTLICH SEIN jordan Photos Brand has retooled thes have to do with Los Angeles? The shoe, actually an CLOT x jordan Photos 13 Low Sepia Stone cut, is part of a new set of pairs that sports the “City” designation that manifests in the form of tongue tags that have graphics borrowed from the flag of the associated spot. So on this pair you’ll see the three jagged sections of red, gold, and green – although they’re the missing the city’s seal in the center that would really make things official. Get better glimpse at the CLOT x jordan Photos 13 Low Sepia Stone City for Los Angeles and then bid on them yourself from Tarik Black in the Air jordan Photos 3 Fire Red.
CLOT x jordan Photos 13 Low Sepia Stone City “LA”
Style Code: 641888-140