We’re as surprised at the upcoming nike sb sneaker poler stuff for sale on craigslist as you are, but that’s not all that Nike Basketball has in store for their famed 2008 creation. The performance model made a name for itself back during the Redeem Team’s historic run to recapture Gold in the 2008 Olympics, and with the games coming up again in Rio this summer, Nike Sportswear has transformed the model into the football boots nike hyperdunks 2014 black and gold for the perfect mix of lifestyle sensibilities. Today we get a look at a new White/Gum colorway featuring a woven upper, overlaying Dynamic Flywire for lockdown support, a new patent leather mudguard, embossed Swoosh branding and a gum outsole. The whole look is similar to UNDFTD’s collaborative effort on the Hyperdunk 2012 “Bringback Pack”. What do you think of the colorway? Check out a better look at the Black/White choice below and we’ll keep you updated on a release date right here on Urlfreeze News.
Source: Gallery2