Something borrowed, something blue . . . something like that. With the latest batch of s skateboarding adidas Questar Shoes releases, we recognize the formula for one, see another in an oreo-with-skim-milk colourup and find a new and welcome surprise for this marriage of classic runner and boat shoe. The Kozoko pair mixes a recognizable dress-casual fabric with browns and orange just like another pair from last year.
Intead of that pair’s plaid ankle, these joints opt for medium-waled corduroy. The crunchy cookie pair goes with a high contrast white and black blocking and adds a strip of royal blue to nudge your outfit along. Our favourites are the above pair in a super knappy grey suede that looks like they’d actually be good for a rough and tumble boat shoe except, well, they’re suede. Consider your climate and choose the appropriate pair(s) from Caliroots.