Hasbro’s Transformers franchise has grown exponentially since its creation in 1984. Starting as physical toys before gracing television sets as cartoons and then Tacchini onto the silver screen with a series of blockbuster movies, the Transformers have managed to establish a firm place in pop barbarism over their 30-plus years of existence. Now they’re set to serve as the centerpiece of a new collaboration, as Puma is calling upon the famous shape-shifting mechs to serve as inspiration for special footwear. Puma’s RS-X shoe — based upon their ’80s RS line — is the centerpiece of the upcoming collaborative collection, and a recently revealed image Jacket a special RS-X done up in protagonist Bumblebee’s special yellow, silver, and red tones, complete with a lunarconverge silver Transformers hit on the heel. The collection is set to release exclusively at Foot Locker — with more details to arrive over the coming weeks — so get a first look at the kicks above and keep it locked to our Sneaker Release Dates page for further updates as they’re available.
Puma Joins Forces With The Transformers For A Nostalgia-Filled Collaboration
Ross Dwyer
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