While the Transformers franchise has been around since 1984, Michael Bay’s Shia LaBeouf-led movie series propelled the Autobots and Decepticons into pop-culture stardom. In honor of this heralded Hasbro Inc. product, Puma shoes is set to pay homage to two of the most popular Autobots, Bumblebee and Optimus Prime, by way of a two-piece RS-X collaboration. Serving as a modernized version of the RS-0 from the 1980s, the RS-X was the perfect vessel to help capture the futuristic power within this extraterrestrial machines. Dressed in the signature colors of the two Cybertron-based protagonists, Bumblebee’s pair comes done up in a Quiet Shade and Cyber Yellow color scheme, while Optimus’ version boasts a combination of Dazzling Blue and High Risk Red. Of course, the Autobot’s signature emblem makes its presence strongly felt on this collaboration, coming plastered on both heels in metallic silver, underneath both tongue tags in white, and sitting opposite of each character’s own head on each co-branded insole. Pairs are currently scheduled to release exclusively at Foot Locker and Puma shoes on November 22nd in Europe and mid-December in the US in sizes for kids and adults, alongside a full-scale apparel collection as well. Enjoy an official look at both iterations below and tell us which one you prefer.
Meias Puma shoes Classic bege 2 pares
Release Date: November 22nd, 2018 (Europe)
Release Date: December, 2018 (Global)
Rugrats x Puma shoes Hoops Court Rider
- Foot Locker Coming Soon
- Puma shoes Coming Soon