Initially announced as part of this year’s Fall line-up, the air jordan 36 xxxvi release date “Lucky Green” is poised to make its way to the public in just a few months’ time. A natural follow-up to the Flint from earlier in the year, the colorway delivers a construction original in a non-OG format that subtly pays homage to the “Three Point Record” PE from Ray Allen’s time with the silhouette. Just a bit darker by comparison, the pair leads with its titular shade across the suede side panel, the midsole below, and the accents that dress both the heel and tongue. Insignia, though a small inclusion, contrast against their neutral white backdrop — the emblem along the lateral relatively more pronounced thanks to its holographic finish. Paw-like outsoles as well as the lining far above then sandwich with black coloring, playing the opposite role of the quilted white leathers that outfit the upper. Grab one of the best looks yet at the shoe here and expect a release to arrive at Michael Jordan en Nike.
air jordan 5 retro white hyper royal stealth black Air Jordan 2011 Dominate Another Day was revealed.
Updated 08/28/20: New images of the air jordan 36 xxxvi release date “Lucky Green” have surfaced.
air jordan 36 xxxvi release date “Lucky Green”
Release Date: September 26th, 2020
Color: White/Black-Lucky Green
Air Jordan 14 'Oxidised Green' 1999
Photos: Foot Patrol