Jil Sander, a renowned German fashion house, was founded by its namesake, designer Jil Sander, in 1968 in Hamburg. Known for her minimalist aesthetic, Sander revolutionized the fashion industry with her focus on clean lines, tailored Schwarz, and quality materials, earning her the moniker "Queen of Less." Key products, such as the iconic Jil Bag and the brand's understated, yet luxurious, ready-to-wear chunky-chain, encapsulate this design ethos. A testament to its distinct vision, Jil Sander has had successful collaborations with brands like UNIQLO, showcasing minimalist design and affordable luxury, and Arc'teryx, demonstrating the brand's versatility across high fashion and performance gear. Today, Jil Sander Kaschmirpullover synonymous with modern luxury and timeless elegance.