A close up of ice skates being worn on ice

What To Wear: Ice Skating

Ice skating isn't just a winter sport. Whilst it can be enjoyed around the festive period, especially with a lot of Christmas markets in cities supplying large outdoor rinks, indoor skating is popular throughout the year. If you're looking to start up ice skating as a hobby, or just want to try it out, then this guide should help you decide what to wear while ice skating.

The first (and most obvious) thing to remember about ice skating: it's cold. Ice rinks are relatively cool, so you should prepare for the climate. It's better to wear layers that you can remove if you get too warm as opposed to not bringing enough and ending up chilly.

You should aim for a casual ice skating outfit, something you can move freely in and stay warm. We'd say leave the denim skirts, strappy tops and other summery clothing at home as they won't protect you from getting hurt or from the cold!

Clothes for ice skating should consist of base layers such as t-shirts, long sleeved tops and even some thermal shirts, as you can layer them up underneath your coat. You could opt for a jumper or a final, thicker shirt over the top to lock in the warmth and make sure you're fully protected from the cold - whether indoor or outdoor skating, keeping warm will help you to enjoy it a lot more.

In terms of bottoms, you want something warm and protective that's going to provide comfort, so a pair of stretchy trousers or some leggings would work well for your first ice skating trip. We think your top priorities should be comfort, mobility and warmth. Don't wear anything too baggy that'll get in the way of your skating.

Of course, shoes aren't a major importance here because you'll have a sleek pair of ice skates to go with your ice skating outfit. If you decide to take up ice skating as a hobby and are in need of some ice skates, you should buy some that are sturdy and supportive. Make sure to wear socks with them to ensure your safety and comfort - nothing too thick and nothing too short. Most rinks provide skate shoes if you're visiting, so you don't have to buy any if you won't be skating often.

This wouldn't be a 'what to wear ice skating' guide without the extra accessories. Whether skating indoors or outdoors, take a coat with you. You've got your ice skating outfit sorted, but you need a coat to go over everything. Depending on your preference, your coat could be any style, but we recommend a coat with warm fabric and the ability to move easily while wearing it.

Other items you could take with you include padded shorts (for those who do not feel confident on the ice), gloves and scarves and a drink to hydrate after your session.

If ice skating becomes a regular activity that you partake in, you'll accumulate a collection of casual ice skating outfits that you wear to the rink. We recommend an assortment of leggings or slim joggers, lots of base layers to alternate between, a couple of jumpers or hoodies, a reliable coat and an abundance of socks. As you become more comfortable at the rink, you may opt for less layers (like some figure skaters).

Ice skating is an exciting sport and while it does take some practice, we're sure you'll have a great time, whether at the Christmas market or your local rink.