Scent Duration: 2 4 Hours - 15 Sticks
Scent Duration: 2 4 Hours - 15 Sticks
Scent Duration: 2 4 Hours - 15 Sticks

Scent Duration: 2 4 Hours15 Sticks


Instilled with notes of pine that are evocative of winter’s in the American Southwest, this P.F. Candle Co. incense combines earthy notes of balsam and spicy black pepper with light vanilla and smoky cedarwood, creating a cultivated but intimate fragrance that’s sure to fill any space.

  • 15 Sticks
  • Scent Duration: 2 4 Hours
  • Mid Notes: Amber & Black Pepper
  • Instilled with notes of pine that are evocative of winters in the American Southwest, this
  • Scent Duration: 2 – 4 Hours
  • Also Available as a Candle
  • Made in the USA

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