You will be charged in USD - Corn Yellow
You will be charged in USD - Corn Yellow
You will be charged in USD - Corn Yellow
You will be charged in USD - Corn Yellow
You will be charged in USD - Corn Yellow
You will be charged in USD - Corn Yellow

You will be charged in USDCorn Yellow

USD$169 USD$79
Company registration number: 06866013 | VAT number: GB 865368680. Details
Exchange rate
NZ$1.00 = $0.634

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JAM’s aesthetic is usually pretty graphic heavy, but that’s not the case with this American-made, corn yellow hoody. Instead, there’s a hit of tonal corduroy to add some treatment and embroidered ‘jam’ branding to round things off.

  • 100% Cotton
  • Fleeceback Jersey
  • Pouch Pocket
  • Embroidered Branding
  • Ribbed Trims
  • Made in the USA