Newsletter & SMS placed a strong focus on classic, 90s sportswear. The inspiration went beyond the purely visual. The idea of engineered comfort set out to capture the actual vibe of the era, bold and in your face, but supremely relaxed and confident.
We asked Thuan of OnLunchBreak, whose photography captures not only contemporary street style as it appears on actual streets, but the real human feelings that go into and come out of fashion, to apply his vision to our Autumn/Winter collection. The 90s were a time when countless lifelong streetwear obsessions were born. The OnLunchBreak team reveals the true sense of clothing as the way people present themselves to the world and that which lies underneath every outfit. Often this presentation begins in our youth.
OnLunchBreak visits three real families exploring their personal homes to represent how that internal energy transfers into our external world, through clothing and culture.
Photography by OnLunchBreak (Thuan Tran)