Best Price Guarantee
We do not only offer great products at a good price - we are also willing to beat any price you find online.
If you find the same item (same color / same size) cheaper at another online retailer, please contact us and we will beat the price even before you purchase.
How to get the best price:
- Visit the site of the product you wish to purchase
- Click "Best Price Guarantee" in the box below the "Add to Cart" Button
- Enter your e-mail address and the link of the cheaper offer
- Submit
- Gibraltar EUR â¬
Conditions for the best price guarantee are:
- Auction platforms, bankruptcy sales and other non-regular sales channels are excluded
- Saudi Arabia EUR â¬
- The Best Price Guarantee applies only to stores within the EU
- The comparison currency or comparison price is always in Euro
- The product is in-stock at the other store
- We will get in touch with you with our offer within 24 hours [email protected]