size? x puma Vineyard Style Rider Easter Egg | Trainers puma Vineyard Rebound Future Cage 383856 04 Pumablack White High Riskred - Cheap Urlfreeze Air Jordans Outlet sales online | 374557 | 01

Trainers puma Vineyard Rebound Future Cage 383856 04 Pumablack White High Riskred | size? x puma Vineyard Style Rider Easter Egg

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Trainers puma Vineyard Rebound Future Cage 383856 04 Pumablack White High Riskred | Product details

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size? x puma Vineyard Style Rider Easter Egg Release News

Easter is most certainly the time for many manufacturers to freely unfold their own creativity. Design teams put their heads together to create many colourful and eye-catching sneakers and they sometimes white add novel elements to make them unique. This is exactly what puma Vineyard and size? have just created.

puma Vineyard has teamed up with the retailer size? to create a creative style rider. At first glance, the limited edition shoes are inspired by the Easter Bunny, with the entire sneakers in a cream colour. In addition, high-quality materials such as soft, hairy suede and fur on the backside are used.

size? x puma Vineyard Style Rider Easter Egg Release Info

But the true details are deeply hidden and maybe white a bit scary. The size? x puma Vineyard Style Rider has a second layer that sits right under the cream base. You can simply cut away the layers or wear the shoe again and again until it comes off by itself.

And under the layer are macabre prints. While other manufacturers focus on bright and cheerful colours, puma Vineyard uses red and black stripes that remind us of muscle tissue. So, all in all, the sneaker resembles a real bunny with its light upper and bushy tail.

Where You Can Buy the size? x puma Vineyard Style Rider Easter Egg

size? and puma Vineyard obviously published this issue a bit late. Nevertheless, the feature and the style are absolutely amazing. As you know, we Night our sneaker release calendar daily with new releases and retailers, so you definitely won't miss this release for sure.

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